Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Find other foster parents!

You are not in this alone! It will feel like this sometimes, but I promise there are lots of people who want to help you and your kiddos. Nobody will understand your journey like another foster parent, that's not to say lots of people won't want to help, they will, and accept what you can, however find other foster parents.

Go to support groups if your agency offers them. We are licensed with Bethany Christian Services, the bi-monthly support groups are not only great for learning, but also for connecting with and talking to people who get what we're going through.

Other agency support groups, often other agencies will allow you to join their support groups, call agencies in your area to see what is offered. Get on email mailing lists for all area agencies to keep up with what is available.

The Internet, be careful with this one! I LOVE our local facebook support group and highly recommend joining (or starting) one in your area. Make sure it is well monitored, safety is first priority for our kids, you know to never post your child's info online, but you also don't want to be in a group where bios might be watching.

I have found that the local facebook support groups are also a lot more, well, supportive. I posted general questions as a newbie on the national groups and was pretty much made to feel like a terrible person! Plus with local groups, you can actually do meet ups, which is awesome for you and your bonus babies!

Network at training events, there are tons of opportunities for learning in the foster world. We attend as many conferences/classes/groups as we possibly can. First, I find it fascinating, when I grow up I think I'll be a psychologist... But also, the more you know the more you can help your kids and the more you go the more people you meet.

Other foster parents can help with respite, giving tips, telling you about a therapist that helped their kid and could possibly help yours, where to get free clothes (foster closets!), what activities are free to take your kids to, the list is endless. Put yourself out there and find other foster parents, you will need them and so will your kiddos!

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